Stillness, done differently
Ceri Bethan is a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher based in Los Angeles, I've created an accessible approach to meditation designed to help easily incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. I
work with individuals and leading brands around the world, offering guidance for healing and
growth that is rooted in truth, experience and scientifically-backed research.
Hi, I'm Ceri Bethan
I didn't arrive at my meditation practice
easily. Put off by oversaturation and
misconceptions, it was my study of
neuroscience and happiness that finally
helped me seek out the quiet stillness.
My work today is born of my personal
experience and learnings. I have lived
what I teach, and my practice is rooted
deeply in neuroscience and the inherent
truth of our unique stories.

Because there is power when
we learn to sit with ourselves
and unravel the silence.

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Subscribe for monthly updates, exclusive content and offers
and download my free 'Embodiment of Gratitude' meditation

Let's get quiet together

This exclusive online course is
an invitation to all of us to
own the full depths of our
worthiness. Mind Your Worth
provides accessible practices
that center around honesty,
neuroscience and true

These sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs, no matter where you are in your meditation journey. Each session involves spiritual coaching and guided meditation built from years of personal experience and training.

Ongoing mentorship and 1:1
sessions to help incorporate
meditation and mindfulness
into your daily life, deepen your practice, and work through more difficult emotions.